Rückblick auf die BVM 2021 an der OTH Regensburg
Montag, 08.03.201
Dauer: 13:45 - 14:30 |
POSTER 01 - Visible Light
» Rotation Invariance for Unsupervised Cell Representation Learning: Analysis of The Impact of Enforcing Rotation Invariance or Equivariance on Representation for Cell Classification
Philipp Gräbel, Ina Laube, Martina Crysandt, Reinhild Herwartz, Melanie Baumann, Barbara M. Klinkhammer, Peter Boor, Tim H. Brümmendorf, Dorit Merhof
Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen, Institute of Imaging & Computer Vision
The author has not agreed to a public release of their video.
POSTER 02 - Visible Light
» Abstract: Deep Learning-based Quantification of Pulmonary Hemosiderophages in Cytology Slides
Christian Marzahl, Marc Aubreville, Christof A. Bertram, Jason Stayt, Anne Katherine Jasensky, Florian Bartenschlager, Marco Fragoso, Ann K. Barton, Svenja Elsemann, Samir Jabari, Jens Krauth, Prathmesh Madhu, Jörn Voigt, Jenny Hill, Robert Klopfleisch, Andreas Maier
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Lehrstuhl für Mustererkennung
POSTER 03 - Imaging and Image Reconstruction
» Learning the Inverse Weighted Radon Transform
Philipp Roser, Lina Felsner, Andreas Maier, Christian Riess
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Lehrstuhl für Mustererkennung
The author has not agreed to a public release of their video.
POSTER 04 - Imaging and Image Reconstruction
» Table Motion Detection in Interventional Coronary Angiography
Junaid R. Rajput, Karthik Shetty, Andreas Maier, Martin Berger
Siemens Healthcare GmbH, Advanced Therapies - Innovation
POSTER 05 - Imaging and Image Reconstruction
» Semi-permeable Filters for Interior Region of Interest Dose Reduction in X-ray Microscopy
Yixing Huang, Leonid Mill, Robert Stoll, Lasse Kling, Oliver Aust, Fabian Wagner, Anika Grüneboom, Georg Schett, Silke Christiansen, Andreas Maier
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Lehrstuhl für Mustererkennung
POSTER 06 - Computer-assisted Intervention
» An Optical Colon Contour Tracking System for Robotaided Colonoscopy: Localization of a Balloon in an Image using the Hough-transform
Giuliano Giacoppo, Anna Tzellou, Joonhwan Kim, Hansoul Kim, Dong-Soo Kwon, Kent W. Stewart, Peter P. Pott
Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Medizingerätetechnik
POSTER 07 - Computer-assisted Intervention
» Externe Ventrikeldrainage mittels Augmented Reality und Peer-to-Peer-Navigation
Simon Strzeletz, José Moctezuma, Mukesch Shah, Ulrich Hubbe, Harald Hoppe
Hochschule Offenburg, Labor für Computerassistierte Medizin
The author has not agreed to a public release of their video.
POSTER 08 - Computer-aided operation planning
» Abstract: Contour-based Bone Axis Detection for X-ray-guided Surgery on the Knee
Florian Kordon, Andreas Maier, Benedict Swartman, Maxim Privalov, Jan Siad El Barbari, Holger Kunze
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Lehrstuhl für Mustererkennung
The author has not agreed to a public release of their video.
POSTER 09 - Segmentation
» Novel Evaluation Metrics for Vascular Structure Segmentation
Marcel Reimann, Weilin Fu, Andreas Maier
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Lehrstuhl für Mustererkennung
The author has not agreed to a public release of their video.
POSTER 10 - Segmentation
» A Machine Learning Approach Towards Fatty Liver Disease Detection In Liver Ultrasound Images
Adarsh Kuzhipathalil, Anto Thomas, Keerthana Chand, Elmer Jeto Gomes Ataide, Alexander Link, Annika Niemann, Sylvia Saalfeld, Michael Friebe, Jens Ziegle
Otto von Guericke Universität Magdeburg, Faculty of Computer Science
POSTER 11- Segmentation
» Deep Learning-based Segmentation of Brain, SEEG and DBS Electrodes on CT Images
Vanja Vlasov, Marie Bo ff erding, Lo¨ıc Marx, Chencheng Zhang, Jorge Goncalves, Andreas Husch, Frank Hertel
Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB), University of Luxembourg, Belvaux, Luxembourg
POSTER 12 - U-Net Applications
» Segmentation of the Fascia Lata in Magnetic Resonance Images of the Thigh: Comparison of an Unsupervised Technique with a U-Net in 2D and Patch-wise 3D
Lis J. Louise P, Klaus Engelke, Oliver Chaudry
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Institute of Medical Physics
POSTER 13 - Computer-Aided Diagnosis
» Abstract: Automatic CAD-RADS Scoring using Deep Learning
Felix Denzinger, Michael Wels, Katharina Breininger, Mehmet A. Gülsün, Max Schöbinger, Florian André, Sebastian Buß, Johannes Görich, Michael Sühling, Andreas Maier
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Lehrstuhl für Mustererkennung
POSTER 14 - Computer-Aided Diagnosis
» Towards Deep Learning-based Wall Shear Stress Prediction for Intracranial Aneurysms
Annika Niemann, Lisa Schneider, Bernhard Preim, Samuel Voß, Philipp Berg, Sylvia Saalfeld
Otto von Guericke Universität Magdeburg
The author has not agreed to a public release of their video.
POSTER 15 - Registration
» Evaluating Design Choices for Deep Learning Registration Networks: Architecture Matters
Hanna Siebert, Lasse Hansen, Mattias P. Heinrich
Universität zu Lübeck, Institut für Medizinische Informatik
POSTER 16 - Registration
» Learning the Update Operator for 2D/3D Image Registration
Srikrishna Jaganathan, Jian Wang, Anja Borsdorf, Andreas Maier
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Lehrstuhl für Mustererkennung
The author has not agreed to a public release of their video.
POSTER 17 - Datasets
» Abstract: Generation of Annotated Brain Tumor MRIs with Tumor-induced Tissue Deformations for Training and Assessment of Neural Networks
Hristina Uzunova, Jan Ehrhardt, Heinz Handels
Universität zu Lübeck, Institut für Medizinische Informatik
The author has not agreed to a public release of their video.
SOFTWAREDEMONSTRATION 1 - Time Series and Video Analysis
» Abstract: Multi-camera, Multi-person, and Real-time Fall Detection using Long Short Term Memory
Christian Heinrich, Samad Koita, Mohammad Taufeeque, Nicolai Spicher, Thomas M. Deserno
Technische Universität Braunschweig, Peter L. Reichertz Institute for Medical Informatics
Dauer: 17:15 - 18:00 |
POSTER 18 - Visible Light
» Reduction of Stain Variability in Bone Marrow Microscopy Images: Influence of Augmentation and Normalization Methods on Detection and Classification of Hematopoietic Cells
Philipp Gräbel, Martina Crysandt, Reinhild Herwartz, Melanie Baumann, Barbara M. Klinkhammer, Peter Boor, Tim H. Brümmendorf, Dorit Merhof
Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen, Institute of Imaging & Computer Vision
The author has not agreed to a public release of their video.
POSTER 19 - Visible Light
» Cell Detection for Asthma on Partially Annotated Whole Slide Images: Learning to be EXACT
Christian Marzahl, Christof A. Bertram, Frauke Wilm, Jörn Voigt, Ann K. Barton, Robert Klopfleisch, Katharina Breininger, Andreas Maier, Marc Aubreville
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Lehrstuhl für Mustererkennung
POSTER 20 - Imaging and Image Reconstruction
» Combining Reconstruction and Edge Detection in Computed Tomography
Jürgen Frikel, Simon Göppel, Markus Haltmeier
Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg
The author has not agreed to a public release of their video.
POSTER 21 - Imaging and Image Reconstruction
» 2D Respiration Navigation Framework for 3D Continuous Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Elisabeth Hoppe, Jens Wetzl, Philipp Roser, Lina Felsner, Alexander Preuhs, Andreas Maier
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Lehrstuhl für Mustererkennung
The author has not agreed to a public release of their video.
POSTER 22 - Imaging and Image Reconstruction
» Residual Neural Network for Filter Kernel Design in Filtered Back-projection for CT Image Reconstruction
Jintian Xu, Chengjin Sun, Yixing Huang, Xiaolin Huang
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
POSTER 23 - Computer-assisted Intervention
» Abstract: Automatic Plane Adjustment in Surgical Cone Beam CT-volumes
Celia Martín Vicario, Florian Kordon, Felix Denzinger, Markus Weiten, Sarina Thomas, Lisa Kausch, Jochen Franke, Holger Keil, Andreas Maier, Holger Kunze
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Lehrstuhl für Mustererkennung
The author has not agreed to a public release of their video.
POSTER 24 - Computer-assisted Intervention
» Abstract: Towards Automatic C-arm Positioning for Standard Projections in Orthopedic Surgery
Lisa Kausch, Sarina Thomas, Holger Kunze, Maxim Privalov, Sven Vetter, Jochen Franke, Andreas H. Mahnken, Lena Maier-Hein, Klaus Maier-Hein
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Medical Image Computing
The author has not agreed to a public release of their video.
POSTER 25 - Computer-aided operation planning
» Open-Science Gefäßphantom für neurovaskuläre Interventionen
Lena Stevanovic, Benjamin J. Mittmann, Florian Pfiz, Michael Braun, Bernd Schmitz, Alfred M. Franz
Technische Hochschule Ulm, Institut für Medizintechnik und Mechatronik
POSTER 26 - Segmentation
» Abstract: Semi-supervised Segmentation Based on Errorcorrecting Supervision
Robert Mendel, Luis Antonio de Souza Jr, David Rauber, João Paulo Papa, Christoph Palm
Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg, Regensburg Medical Image Computing
POSTER 27 - Segmentation
» Abstract: Efficient Biomedical Image Segmentation on EdgeTPUs
Andreas M. Kist, Michael Döllinger
University Hospital Erlangen, Phoniatrics and Pediatric Audiology
The author has not agreed to a public release of their video.
POSTER 28 - U-Net Applications
» Human Axon Radii Estimation at MRI Scale: Deep Learning Combined with Large-scale Light Microscopy
Laurin Mordhorst, Maria Morozova, Sebastian Papazoglou, Björn Fricke, Jan M. Oeschger, Henriette Rusch, Carsten Jäger, Markus Morawski, Nikolaus Weiskopf, Siawoosh Mohammadi
Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf, Institute of Systems Neuroscience
POSTER 29 - Computer-Aided Diagnosis
» Age Estimation on Panoramic Dental X-ray Images using Deep Learning
Sarah Wallraff , Sulaiman Vesal, Christopher Syben, Rainer Lutz, Andreas Maier
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Lehrstuhl für Mustererkennung
The author has not agreed to a public release of their video.
POSTER 30 - Registration
» Multi-modal Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Deformable Registration Based on Maximum Classifier Discrepancy
Christian N. Kruse, Lasse Hansen, Mattias P. Heinrich
Universität zu Lübeck, Institut für Medizinische Informatik
POSTER 31 - Datasets
» Abstract: A Completely Annotated Whole Slide Image Dataset of Canine Breast Cancer to Aid Human Breast Cancer Research
Marc Aubreville, Christof A. Bertram, Taryn A. Donovan, Christian Marzahl, Andreas Maier, Robert Klopfleisch
Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Computer Science
POSTER 32 - Generative Adversarial Networks
» Acquisition Parameter-conditioned Magnetic Resonance Image-to-image Translation
Jonas Denck, Jens Guehring, Andreas Maier, Eva Rothgang
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Lehrstuhl für Mustererkennung
The author has not agreed to a public release of their video.
POSTER 33 - Generative Adversarial Networks
» Fine-tuning Generative Adversarial Networks using Metaheuristics: A Case Study on Barrett’s Esophagus Identification
Luis A. Souza, Leandro A. Passos, Robert Mendel, Alanna Ebigbo, Andreas Probst, Helmut Messmann, Christoph Palm, João Paulo Papa
Federal University of São Carlos - UFScar, Department of Computing
POSTER 34 - Neural Networks in General
» Neural Networks with Fixed Binary Random Projections Improve Accuracy in Classifying Noisy Data
Zijin Yang, Achim Schilling, Andreas Maier, Patrick Krauss
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Lehrstuhl für Machine Intelligence
» M3d-CAM: A PyTorch Library to Generate 3D Attention Maps for Medical Deep Learning
Karol Gotkowski, Camila Gonzalez, Andreas Bucher, Anirban Mukhopadhyay
Technische Universität Darmstadt und Fraunhofer IGD
SOFTWAREDEMONSTRATION 3 - Computer-Aided Diagnosis
» Coronary Plaque Analysis for CT Angiography Clinical Research
Felix Denzinger, Michael Wels, Christian Hopfgartner, Jing Lu, Max Sch¨obinger, Andreas Maier, Michael Sühling
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Lehrstuhl für Mustererkennung
Dienstag, 09.03.21
Dauer: 10:15 - 11:00 |
POSTER 35 - Visible Light
» Abstract: Deep Learning Algorithms Out-perform Veterinary Pathologists in Detecting the Mitotically Most Active Tumor Region
Marc Aubreville, Christof A. Bertram, Christian Marzahl, Corinne Gurtner, Martina Dettwiler, Anja Schmidt, Florian Bartenschlager, Sophie Merz, Marco Fragoso, Olivia Kershaw, Robert Klopfleisch, Andreas Maier
Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Computer Science
POSTER 36 - Imaging and Image Reconstruction
» Abstract: Maximum A-posteriori Signal Recovery for OCT Angiography Image Generation
Lennart Husvogt, Stefan B. Ploner, Siyu Chen, Daniel Stromer, Julia Schottenhamml, Yasin Alibhai, Eric Moult, Nadia K. Waheed, James G. Fujimoto, Andreas Maier
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Lehrstuhl für Mustererkennung
POSTER 37 - Imaging and Image Reconstruction
» Abstract: Simultaneous Estimation of X-ray Back-scatter and Forward-scatter using Multi-task Learning
Philipp Roser, Xia Zhong, Annette Birkhold, Alexander Preuhs, Christopher Syben, Elisabeth Hoppe, Norbert Strobel, Markus Kowarschik, Rebecca Fahrig, Andreas Maier
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Lehrstuhl für Mustererkennung
The author has not agreed to a public release of their video.
POSTER 38 - Segmentation
» Deep Learning-based Spine Centerline Extraction in Fetal Ultrasound
Astrid Franz, Alexander Schmidt-Richberg, Eliza Orasanu, Cristian Lorenz
Philips GmbH, Innovative Technologies
POSTER 39 - Segmentation
» Abstract: Studying Robustness of Semantic Segmentation under Domain Shift in Cardiac MRI
Peter M. Full, Fabian Isensee, Paul F. Jäger, Klaus MaierHein
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Medical Image Computing
POSTER 40 - Segmentation
» On Efficient Extraction of Pelvis Region from CT Data
Tatyana Ivanovska, Andrian O. Paulus, Robert Martin, Babak Panahi, Arndt Schilling
Georg-August University Göttingen, Department for Computational Neuroscience
POSTER 41 - U-Net Applications
» CT Normalization by Paired Image-to-image Translation for Lung Emphysema Quantification
Insa Lange, Fabian Jacob, Alex Frydrychowicz, Heinz Handels, Jan Ehrhardt
Universität zu Lübeck, Institut für Medizinische Informatik
POSTER 42 - Attention Maps
» Ultrasound Breast Lesion Detection using Extracted Attention Maps from a Weakly Supervised Convolutional Neural Network
Dalia Rodríguez-Salas, Mathias Seuret, Sulaiman Vesal, Andreas Maier
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Lehrstuhl für Mustererkennung
POSTER 43 - Computer-Aided Diagnosis
» Abstract: Extracting and Leveraging Nodule Features with Lung Inpainting for Local Feature Augmentation
Sebastian Gündel, Arnaud A. A. Setio, Sasa Grbic, Andreas Maier, Dorin Comaniciu
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Lehrstuhl für Mustererkennung
POSTER 44 - Computer-Aided Diagnosis
» Abstract: Automatic Dementia Screening and Scoring by Applying Deep Learning on Clock-drawing Tests
Shuqing Chen, Daniel Stromer, Harb Alnasser Alabdalrahim, Stefan Schwab, Markus Weih, Andreas Maier
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Lehrstuhl für Mustererkennung
POSTER 45 - Registration
» Deep Learning compatible Differentiable X-Ray Projections for Inverse RenderingDeep Learning Compatible Differentiable X-ray Projections for Inverse Rendering
Karthik Shetty, Annette Birkhold, Norbert Strobel, Bernhard Egger, Srikrishna Jaganathan, Markus Kowarschik, Andreas Maier
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Lehrstuhl für Mustererkennung
The author has not agreed to a public release of their video.
POSTER 46 - Datasets
» Abstract: Are Fast Labeling Methods Reliable?: A Case Study of Computer-aided Expert Annotations on Microscopy Slides
Christian Marzahl, Christof A. Bertram, Marc Aubreville, Anne Petrick, Kristina Weiler, Agnes C. Gläsel, Marco Fragoso, Sophie Merz, Florian Bartenschlager, Judith Hoppe, Alina Langenhagen, Anne Katherine Jasensky, Jörn Voigt, Robert Klopfleisch, Andreas Maier
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Lehrstuhl für Mustererkennung
POSTER 47 - Time Series and Video Analysis
» Abstract: Time Matters: Handling Spatio-temporal Perfusion Information for Automated Treatment in Cerebral Ischemia Scoring
Maximilian Nielsen, Moritz Waldmann, Thilo Sentker, Andreas Frölich, Jens Fiehler, René Werner
Universität Hamburg, Institut für Computational Neuroscience
POSTER 48 - Visualization
» A Geometric and Textural Model of the Colon as Ground Truth for Deep Learning-based 3D-reconstruction
Ralf Hackner, Sina Walluscheck, Edgar Lehmann, Thomas Eixelberger, Volker Bruns, Thomas Wittenberg
Fraunhofer IIS, Erlangen
The author has not agreed to a public release of their video.
POSTER 49 - Visualization
» Deep Learning-basierte Oberflächenrekonstruktion aus Binärmasken
Carina Tschigor, Grzegorz Chlebus, Christian Schumann
Fraunhofer MEVIS, Bremen
POSTER 50 - Denoising
» A Novel Trilateral Filter for Digital Subtraction Angiography
Purvi Tripathi, Richard Obler, Andreas Maier, Hendrik Janssen
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Lehrstuhl für Mustererkennung
POSTER 51 - Denoising
» Abstract: JBFnet: Low Dose CT-denoising by Trainable Joint Bilateral Filtering
Mayank Patwari, Ralf Gutjahr, Rainer Raupach, Andreas Maier
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Lehrstuhl für Mustererkennung
» Interactive Visualization of 3D CNN Relevance Maps to Aid Model Comprehensibility: Application to the Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease in MRI Images
Martin Dyrba, Moritz Hanzig
Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen, Rostock
» Abstract: VirtualDSA++: Automated Segmentation, Vessel Labeling, Occlusion Detection, and Graph Search on CT Angiography Data
Florian Thamm, Markus Jürgens, Hendrik Ditt, Andreas Maier
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Lehrstuhl für Mustererkennung